
"What still drives you to make music?

Making music is like a trip from your daily routine to an exotic destination that you choose and create. It affects my mood, it gives me energy and makes me imagine new landscapes, and allows me to meet like-minded people. This project in particular was born from the need to create soundscapes and stories with a deeply nostalgic atmosphere which also includes field recordings, videos, and photography. I like curating every aspect of it."

Read the full interview

I find isolated places quite fascinating. I like the romantic idea of a safe and cosy place where you could seek refuge from storms, although the reality is that lightkeepers had a hard life while protecting sailors from shipwrecks. I also imagine the first explorers, lightkeepers, and sailors constantly feeling this Saudade, which is a Portuguese word that means a nostalgic or profound melancholic state. On the one hand, you have the unknown, the exotic adventure, on the other hand you miss home. Having lived abroad since 2010, I can relate to that. Travelling means being outside of your safety net. I basically translate this into musical soundscapes and stories with a deeply nostalgic atmosphere."

Read the full interview (PDF)

"Ecco oggi Lantern, ep di poco meno di mezz’ora e tanto basta: più che di sette brani, si tratta di sette brevi prospettive nelle quali Northern Lighthouse riesce perfettamente a convogliare la propria visione; un tracciato potenzialmente sconfinato, disegnato da ritmi bassi, field recordings, sintetizzatori che tendono verso quel punto in cui cielo e mare chi li distingue più non fosse per qualche elemento da collocare qui o lì. Un gabbiano, una nave, una nuvola, un loop che sparisce per poi ricomparire un po’ più in là, forse una voce, sicuramente una trasmissione radio."

Read the full article by Non Siamo Di Qui